Introducing Reka’s renewed product brands

We have renewed our product brands. We are introducing new product families and product brands are now categorized according to new logic. We have also freshened up our product brand logos.

The biggest change is the replacement of old Reko and Rekoclean brands. Products are no longer categorized to halogen free versus non-halogen free cables. Instead, the brands are formed according to product application areas. For example, with installation cables, the products are divided into LiteRex cables – completely UV-protected installation cables designed for demanding environments, and Reka R cables intended for standard applications.
As our product portfolio has grown, we have recently introduced new product families and product brands, such LiteRex and PoweRex. Also, as the outer sheath of the cables of our fire resistant FlameRex cable product family has changed color from red to orange, the logo color has been changed accordingly.
Reka’s products are now categorized into following product brands:

Please note that the old product brand names and logos should no longer be used.
You can find and upload the new logos in our media bank: